
Sofia Getikova

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ЭкспрессДеньги – Affiliate Program Review

    Express Money Company has launched a new offer for CPA networks.

    The offer has excellent indicators: CR from a click to an application 30%+, AR from an application to a loan 40%+, and EPC 65 rubles. And EPL 204 rubles. Connected partners issue 100+ credits in less than one week and quickly receive a high reward.

    The offer is new - 700 rubles for issuing any loan of 3,000 rubles.

    About us:
    We have been working for more than 12 years.
    We have 120 branches throughout Russia, three online lending resources, and an annual turnover of 2+ billion rubles.
    We consistently pay according to a schedule convenient for partners.

    ЭкспрессДеньги - Cover

    Reviews 0

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