
Sofia Getikova

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PayAdmit – Affiliate Program Review

    Our main products include:

    • White Label: a payment system branded for the client, hosted on a separate domain with its own infrastructure, styling, and customized user interfaces. We assist in PCI DSS certification through our partner auditors (obtaining PCI DSS level 2 takes up to 1-2 weeks). Setting up a White Label with payment infrastructure typically takes no more than 2-3 weeks.
    • Cashier service: a payment aggregator with a payment method selection page hosted on our infrastructure and domain. It enables a quick launch of payment acceptance within a few days.
    • Middleware: a bridge connecting merchants operating through payment aggregators like Praxis and Devcode (PIQ) with providers who are not yet integrated into these cashier services. We are combined with Praxis and Devcode (PIQ) to act as a bridge between merchants and providers.

    Both White Label and Cashier services include the following features: 

    • Card processing / Alternative Payment Methods (APM) with over 300 ready-to-use integrations with various providers.
    • Cashier page (payment method selection page).
    • Crypto processing.
    • Banking module.
    • In-house anti-fraud module.
    • Payment routing/cascading (pay-in & payout) with the ability to split payouts.
    • Integrations with third-party solutions for AML/KYC/KYB checks and verifications, as well as third-party anti-fraud providers.

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