
Sofia Getikova

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    Push.house - Premium advertising network with popular ad formats: Push, In-page, OnClick. Operating since 2018. Traffic from over 180 countries. Minimum deposit only $50 via VISA, Capitalist, USDT TRC20, Bitcoin, WebMoney, Paxum, Pay2.House, Payoneer.

    Classic Push Notifications. A time-tested advertising format that allows you to promote popular offers and achieve maximum profit.

    In-Page. This format is something between push notifications and banners. This design option allows you display ads directly on the website, without subscriptions.

    On-Click (pop-up, pop-under, click-under). A familiar format for many experienced affiliates, opening the offer’s landing page in a new tab after the user interacts with the page's content.
    All formats are supported across all GEOs, operating systems, and browsers, offering the ability to work with large volumes of high-quality traffic and effectively promote offers in any vertical.

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