Service ADSPECT — this is a cloaking and filtering service for bots. Adspect was the first to apply and develop the technology of JS fingerprinting (browser fingerprint analysis) to cloak advanced moderation, including a manual using resident and mobile proxies.

    Adspect filters:
    - Moderation of advertising platforms, including Google Ads (search, GDN), YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Yandex, Twitter, VK, myTarget, Snapchat Taboola;
    - Moderation of the Google Play Market and Apple App Store app stores;
    - Bots of specialized ad quality assessment services: GeoEdge, AdSecure, The Media Trust, Confiant, etc.;
    - Antivirus bots: Google Safe Browsing, Kaspersky, Avast, Norton, etc;
    - Bots of spy services, as well as traffic from competitors on previously shown ads;
    - Other bots of any degree of complexity, including those built on web automation technologies (Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright, PhantomJS, ZennoPoster, etc. ;)
    - Transitions from VPNs and proxies, including resident and mobile ones, such as Bright Data (ex-Luminati) and GeoSurf;
    - Transitions from hosting networks, data centers, CDNs, and IP transit providers;
    - Transitions from virtualization systems (VMware, VirtualBox) and mobile device emulators;
    - Direct link clicks are made, not through an ad.

    Key features:
    - The filtering system is based on an actual machine learning model VLA, developed based on a discrete Bayesian classifier;
    - Integration with anything: regular with the help of a PHP file, JavaScript integration into website designers, integration with WebView applications, integration via API;
    - Native integration with the Binom tracker;
    - Cloud storage of settings: you don't need to edit PHP files or upload them again when you change any filtering settings;
    - A dozen different ways to display black and white: redirects, locally without a redirect, iframe, HTML code loading, proxying (reverse proxy), PHP or JavaScript code execution, X-Accel-Redirect, X-Sendfile;
    - Targeting by country, OS, browsers, browser engines, language, and time zones;
    - Comparison of the time zone and geolocation of visitors;
    - Filtering by schedule in a given time zone;
    - Filtering by URL rules: presence/absence of parameters, match/mismatch of parameter values, etc.;
    - Filtering by IP addresses, ASN (numbers of autonomous systems), Perl-compatible regular expressions for user agent and referrer;
    - The transition log allows you to see each transition and its attributes (IP address, country, OS, browser, etc.) in real-time;
    - The free built-in tracker allows you to track conversions and all primary advertising metrics: expense, revenue, profit, CR, ROI, CPC, eCPM, CPA, EPL;
    - Automatic split-testing of blacks with a weighted distribution of traffic or using time rotation;
    - REST API for programmatic flow management and guest access to statistics.


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