
Sofia Getikova

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CPA Network Leadgid

    Leadgid is one of the first and largest financial affiliate networks in Russia, actively developing in the CIS countries, Europe, and Asia.

    Payouts are accrued 2 times a month, the minimum payout amount is 4,000 RUB / 50 $ / 50 €. GEOs includes 35+ countries of the world.

    Founded in 2012, Leadgid has united hundreds of advertisers from around the world to provide affiliates with the widest selection of offers, exclusive rates and unique working conditions.

    Leadgid is also a real community of professionals who receive not only the best work conditions, but also the best tools for their online work. LeadCore is a high-tech platform for additional traffic monetization, which includes:

    - offer wall builder;
    - a full-fledged TDS system that allows you to redirect traffic under various conditions;
    - API integration;
    - exclusion of repeated offers for conversion;
    - domain parking and use of Leadgid domains;
    - universal checker and many other features. Read more about LeadCore here.

    Another advantage that allows you to increase your income is advertiser promotions, contests, and various other activities. Based on the results of the contests, affiliates who get to the top go on trips around the world: Dubai, Cape Town, the Maldives, Bali, Zanzibar, and other destinations.

    Join the best of the best!

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